Average of 10% increase in people who watch, read, or engage with RGEA content offerings per quarter (includes views of YouTube videos + views of websites containing educational/informational content).
RGEA is committed to expand its informational and educational offerings to become the “go-to” resource for government retirees in North Carolina.
This will allow retirees to see RGEA as even more valuable to their lives and see the multitude of benefits of being a member of RGEA, beyond only advocacy for COLAs and other retirement benefits.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Design New Educational Content to Address Needs of Member
Produce ongoing and relevant content on the following schedule through Summer 2022:
Benefits Information: Monthly
Legislative Information: Continue existing weekly video updates
Develop Channels for Sharing Content and Opportunities
10% quarterly increases in total views of RGEA educational/informational content (includes views of YouTube videos + views of webpages containing educational/informational content)
Leverage Partnerships to Increase Reach and Breadth of Content
First annual calendar of joint call-in events with partner agencies created by Q2 2022
At least six instances of RGEA content shared through partner channels annually